From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 3. I hope you were able to have a good break considering the wintry weather we experienced during the holidays. Our students impressed us as they always do with their settling into the new term.
Our NAIDOC Week assembly and activities kept us busy during Week 1 and we enjoyed Sand Art, rock painting and dancing just to name a few. We thank our Aboriginal Liaison Team and Mrs Cream and Ms Hepi for the organisation of the week.
Last week our team attended the CPSSA Years 3-6 Interschool Cross Country. We were thrilled to bring home the Girls Shield. We congratulate all our students who not only competed but spent many weeks training with Mrs Openshaw and her team of helpers. Well done.
We also thank Mr Martino and his team for the Year 11 Retreat last week where our students were able to devote some time for their personal reflection and growth.
On Monday this week we held our Year 3-6 Athletics Carnival. We were truly blessed with the first dry and pleasant day for some time! I am sure that the children had a wonderful time competing in the various events. The staff worked hard in their preparation for the day and it was wonderful to watch the children give of their best and ‘having a go’. On Wednesday we look forward to enjoying the K-2 Athletics Carnival with our younger students.
Our Robocup team competed in the State Final last weekend. Mr Hill tells me that the student had a great time and learnt many new things as they competed against the outer teams.
Our new catering provider is now operating our Cafe and we are so pleased that many of our familiar faces in the Cafe have chosen to remain at our College with the new company. We thank you for your patience as adjustments are made and we look forward to continued good service and increased choice for our students.
We congratulate Mrs Elosie Armstrong and her husband on the arrival of their young son last week. We send the family our love and best wishes.
This term we welcome Ms Delia Curetan to our staff in her role as French teacher, and Mrs Catherine O’Grady in her role as House Mother. We wish Ms Hepi an enjoyable long service leave for the next few weeks.
Attached to this newsletter is a letter from Dr Debra Sayce, Executive Director CEWA, which we have been asked to distribute to our families here.
Carmen Cox