Pool Facilities

St Brigid’s Pool

The St Brigid’s Pool has two heated indoor pools that is open year-round and provides a range of swimming options for students and friends of St Brigid’s College (membership).

Pool facilities – under works

Please be informed that the pool toilets and showers will be undergoing upgrades during the school holiday period and will be reopened at the beginning of the school term. There will be no access to the general ladies and mens toilets and there will be no hot water. The disabled toilets will be accessible for use. If you have any queries please contact the Pool Manager.

The pool is located at the Sr Mary Rose Centre at St Brigid’s College, on the side of the Junior School oval. You can enter the pool and fitness facilities via the large roundabout on Lesmurdie road. From here, there is free parking available near the netball courts. Please note, school commences at 8.15am and finishes 3.00/30pm. As a result, please do not park in the drop-off and pickup area dedicated to children’s families.


Terms 1 & 4 (Summer)

5.00am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 7.00pm


5.00am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 7.00pm


5.00am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 7.00pm

7.00 am – 03.00pm


*No entries will be accepted within 30 minutes of closing time.


Terms 2 & 3 (Winter)

5.30am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 6.45pm


5.30am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 6.45pm


5.30am -7.45am & 4.00pm – 6.45pm

07.00 am – 03.00pm


*No entries will be accepted within 30 minutes of closing time.

Pool Payment & Membership Information

Casual Pool Rates
Please note all individuals (excluding current students, employees and alumni) are required to hold a current “Friends of St Brigid’s” membership. This allows individuals to use the facilities as a casual. The casual rates are as follows:

• Adult Pool & Fitness Centre Entry: $6.00
• Child Pool & Fitness Centre Entry: $5.00
• x10 Adult Swim Card: $50.00
• x10 Child Swim Card: $45.00

Become a Member
Friends of St Brigid’s Membership

The friends of St Brigid’s membership can be purchased annually and membership is renewable. For individuals using the pool, who are not students or employees at the school, the membership is an essential subscription.

This will allow you to swim and use the pool facilities as a casual for the duration of membership held. The membership form can be processed online, and once the transaction is complete our team will contact you with further membership details. Upon sign-up, a membership card will be given for proof of registry. Please find the form and payment options below.

Become a Member

Pool Facilities

The front doors of the Sr Mary Rose Centre and to the pool, are accessible by both ramp and staircase. Entry into the facility is double doors and therefore can be accessed by wheelchair. Entry into the pool is via ladder. The indoor pool is heated, with average temperatures ranging from 24 to 28 degrees.


25m Lap Pool
Little Pool
Lesmurdie Legends Swim Club
Pool Equipment

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