Boarding News
Dear Boarding Parents
Welcome back to Term 4. Its been a busy one so far, especially for our Year 12s, who have now graduated after a series of wonderful celebratory events last week. With exams on the not too distant horizon, it’s been pleasing to see Year 9-11 girls really give their studies some diligent attention.
As you’re aware , the College Fair takes place on Saturday 6th November from 3pm -7pm. As the girls will be needed on both their homeroom stall and the boarding craft stall, there will be no leave approved for Friday evening or Saturday until the fair ends at 7pm. Leave for Sunday will not be affected by the Fair. We’d really appreciate some parent help on our boarding stall, so if you’re planning on being at the Fair, we’d love to see you!
I’m somewhat concerned by the increasing number of parents requesting leave for their daughters to watch sport at Ray Owen on weekends, often for the whole day. Please be reminded that there is no boarding supervision available at these games and some sporting clubs run a licensed bar during games. There have also been recent instances where undesirable and dangerous behaviour has occurred which could easily have put the girls present at risk. Going forward, please note that Ray Owen leave will only be approved for a two hour block and only if family members are involved in the playing and a there are family members to supervise the girls spectating .
As always, I thank you for your support of our boarding community.
Annamaria Cream
Head of Boarding
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