
College News
From the Principal – SBC Newsletter Term 1, Week 2
Welcome parents and carers, to the end of Week 2 at St Brigid’s College. Every Friday, you’ll receive the Principal’s Newsletter to your email, the newsletter will also be available for a limited time on the school website. Find out about all the upcoming activities, events and keep up with all the latest at SBC here with this week’s newsletter fresh off the press.
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College News
From the Principal – SBC Newsletter Term 1, Week 1 2024
Dear Parents, Staff, Friends and Students of St Brigid’s College, The commencement of the school year is always very busy, and my thanks is extended to all families for ensuring that students were prepared for the term with their books, equipment and correct uniforms. I particularly welcome the 183 students who are new to our community. We are blessed to have you. We invite you to keep up to date with College news and announcements by reading the weekly newsletter. For the full newsletter, please click here  Veronica Parker Principal St Brigid’s College  
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College News
Term 2, Week 4, St Brigid’s College News
Welcome to another edition of our weekly newsletter. It’s been another wonderfully active week at St Brigid’s College and here’s what we did, delivered from the desk of our Principal, Mrs Veronica Parker. Click here for the latest news
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From the Principal
From the Principal
Dear Families, As we approach the final week of the academic year, I ask that you take time to thank the staff of the College who have helped your son or daughter throughout 2022.  The greatest gift that you can give any member of our staff community is a ‘thank you’.   The biggest influence on your child’s learning is the teacher, and this should not be taken for granted. This week we commence the liturgical season of Advent.  Our community has been proactive in supporting the St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal and we have many baskets of food in support of this outreach and is one way of preparing for Christmas.  This Advent season take time to consider your own preparation for the Feast of Christmas.  Reconnect with family and friends, be open to new friendships, smile a little more, slow down, take time for prayer…  At the heart of Christmas is the birth of Jesus, the prince of peace.   In a world in which we desperately seek peace, consider ways we can offer peace in our own homes, families, and neighbourhoods. The safety and wellbeing of our students remains our greatest priority.  Safety is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a part to play.  Over the last few weeks I have been working with the City of Kalamunda to review the current movement of traffic on Catherine Place and Glen Road.  The team from our local council are currently reviewing signage and traffic flow.  As soon as this is finalized, I will update you.  Please look out for all our children as you use the roads around the College. The College welcomed students commencing in 2023 as part of the Orientation Programme last Friday.  It was a joy to see the generous hospitality shared as the community embraced new families into our community.  The College continues to see a healthy growth in enrolments and I look forward to working closely with new and existing families as we partner in the education of the children in our care. As part of the Orientation morning, I informed families in Year 7 that the students in Years 1 – 10 can wear their sports uniform on the days they have a designated Physical Education lesson. This equates to two days per week.  Students in Years 11 and 12 will be able to wear their sports uniform on Friday only.  Please be advised that in terms 2 and 3, the full winter tracksuit will be required to be worn to and from school on designated days which will be advised early next year for year groups. In 2023, the students in Years 7 – 12 will return to a vertical Home Room structure.  This means the first 15 minutes of the day will comprise of a ‘House’ group of students representing all year groups.  There are great benefits attached to this model for our community as our students collaborate with all year groups within the secondary environment. A Boarding House as a part of a school community provides a unique contribution.  I marvel at the independence of our girls as they embrace the opportunities of education away from home.  Many of our girls leave homes and properties where they have great responsibilities.  They have a broad knowledge and expertise, and I enjoy learning more about their families and communities.  The girls harness the opportunity here at the College to access a high-quality education.  I applaud them for their commitment. The College has two collection bins in Student Services for any old stationery that your son or daughter would usually dispose of at the end of the year.  Please consider putting these items in the collection bins as they can be recycled or repurposed.  The group overseeing this is an organisation called, “Give Write”. St Brigid’s College is truly fortunate to have minimal staff changes for 2023.  I am thrilled that staffing has been finalised and we have an incredible range of expertise available to our students.  I am aware that many staff are still struggling to fill positions in their schools.  The great reputation of the St Brigid’s College community attracts staff of outstanding calibre. At the end of this week, I will send home a final communication with all the essential details you will need in preparing for the 2023 Academic Year.  I look forward to this final week with our students and thank all parents and caregivers for their support in partnering with St Brigid’s College in 2022.   Veronica Parker Principal
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From the Principal
Principal Report
Dear Families, On Friday the 21 October our community proudly graduated 73 young women.  It was a wonderful celebration and I was honoured to not only graduate the students on behalf of the community, but honoured to be part of the final day festivities.  The throwing of the boaters was a highlight; a beautiful ritual which attracted a big crowd to the courtyard.  The final year 12 assembly and mass and dinner, were all joyfully celebrated and I extend my thanks to parents, staff and students for making it so memorable.  Our girls now prepare for final exams, further studies or the work place.  I know that many of the girls are also preparing for leavers celebrations.  I ask that you keep the girls in your prayers as they take their next logical step beyond St Brigid’s College. I am pleased to advise you that the College will be upgrading all of the primary classrooms in preparation for 2023.  This work will include new carpet in the rooms, new windows and painting. In 2024 the College will move to a lease programme for student devices.  This will initially impact students currently in Kindergarten, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 8.  From these year groups onwards, a levy will be included in the school fees and students will be provided with a device by the College to be used at school and home.  Details pertaining to the device will be shared soon.  I have listened to students, parents and staff and believe that a lease arrangement will be a better option for all stakeholders. In 2023, the College welcomes weekday boarders.  Families interested in having their daughter board at school from Monday to Friday should contact our Enrolments Officer, Mrs Patty Majko.  This opportunity exists for students in year 7 – 12 only.  Please be advised that the College is flexible in supporting families and if you are seeking short term boarding arrangements, please do not hesitate to contact us. I have been enjoying meeting families as part of the College enrolment processes.  Currently I am interviewing families for Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten 2023 and Year 7, 2024.  If you know someone who is considering St Brigid’s College, please encourage them to get an enrolment application in. Excellence is not an option at St Brigid’s. All students are expected to be excellent.  Excellence is giving your best in every facet of school life.  Congratulations and well done to all our award recipients who were presented with medals and certificates at our Year 7 – 12 Presentation night last Monday evening.  Mrs Wade and Ms Smith prepared our combined Junior and Senior choir in movement and song to Catherine McAuley’s most well known prayer, her suscipe.  This prayer was lovingly prepared in honour of Sr Joan Buckham who passed away earlier in this year following a short illness. Over the next few weeks, we will celebrate the achievements of our primary students, graduate our year 6 boys and prepare for the feast of Christmas.  I look forward to being part of these events for my first time. This year Mrs Jane Ryan was acknowledged formally with an award honouring her 30 years of service to Catholic education. Jane’s 30 years as an educator has been completed here at St Brigid’s College. Jane is currently on long service leave, however will be returning in 2023. Last Friday was World Teacher’s Day and I extend a very big thanks to our Parent Forum for preparing a large grazing board for our staff to enjoy.  The staff of St Brigid’s work tirelessly for the students in their care and your appreciation is valued.  We are thankful for the partnership that we share, working together to enable your child to flourish.   St Brigid’s College is committed to providing excellence is committed to providing excellence in education within a Christ Centred environment.  St Brigids college nurtures and supports every student in their growth as contributing members of the community, within the spirit of mercy.   Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any support.   Kind regards Veronica          
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From the Principal
From the Principal
Dear Families and Friends of St Brigid’s College, In conjunction with the Feast Day of Our Lady of Mercy, St Brigid’s College celebrated our Mercy Day with a Mass with the Sisters of Mercy on the last day of Term 3. It was an opportune time to come together to be thankful for the contribution of the Sisters of Mercy to the St Brigid’s community and to honour our foundress, Catherine McAuley. I enjoyed celebrating this beautiful and festive day with you for the first time. This term I have been thrilled with the commitment of students in maintaining high standards in uniform and grooming. I extend my thanks for the strong partnership that exists with parents in supporting staff in keeping the St Brigid’s standards high.  I am very proud of our students and encourage them to continue to wear their uniform with pride from the moment they leave home in the morning, to their arrival back home at the end of the day. At St Brigid’s we recognise, and are sympathetic to those students impacted by illness or poor health.  This is, of course, a valid reason for reduced attendance.  As partners with parents, however, it is important to point out that reduced attendance has a significant impact on academic learning. As travel is now on the radar for many families, I reiterate the importance of planning holidays within the school holiday breaks. Families who choose to take holidays during the term are required to complete an Application for Extended Leave form located on the College’s website.  Family holidays taken during term time for recreational purposes, are not endorsed by the College and documented as unapproved leave on our absentee register. In order to access the full curriculum and give students the best chance of success, Catholic Education Western Australia recommends the rate of 90% – 100% as ‘Regular Attendance’.  When attendance falls below this level, it indicates a student may be at risk of not reaching their full potential.  The chart below gives a breakdown of the amount of time missed in a year, and if maintained, how it impacts on the future education of the child: Period of Absence (Year 1 – 10) Rate of Attendance Equivalent School Missed over 10 years Level of educational risk Average of 5 days per term 90% 1 Year Classified as regular attendance 1 Day per Week 80% 2 Years Indicated at Risk 1.5 Days per Week 70% 3 Years Moderate Risk 2 Days per Week 60% 4 Years Moderate Risk 3 Days per Week 50% 5 Years Severe Risk The St Brigid’s College community has celebrated many events and has showcased some great learning throughout the term.   I applaud all students who have engaged in learning as well as the broader life of the College.  We aspire that St Brigid’s is an extension of family and through participation in the life of the College, students build a stronger sense of belonging. [easy-image-collage id=19667] Our Year 12 students are close to the completion of their studies and I know that they are filled with mixed emotions as they prepare to take their next logical step beyond St Brigid’s.  We will honour them in our customary farewells as a community early next term. On behalf of our community, I extend my thanks to all staff for their work this term.  The biggest impact on learning is the teacher and we are grateful to have such proficient staff working together in teams to support our students. I wish all members of our community a wonderful holiday break.  I know that our Boarding girls will be thrilled to be home for a couple of weeks, engaging in some quality family time.  I encourage all families to spend some time in recreation together. Our Team Leader Property and Works, Mr Jason Forde, has resigned and whilst we are saddened to hear of his departure, we congratulate him on his appointment to Clontarf Aboriginal College where he continues in a similar role.  We thank Jason for his dedication and commitment to our community over the last 3 years.   Please do not hesitate to speak with me if you have any concerns or queries.   Kind regards, Veronica Parker Principal
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From the Principal
From the Principal
Our dam is full and the creeks around our picturesque campus are flowing.  We are in the Noongar season of Makuru, which is both the coldest and wettest time of the year. There has been an abundance of Mercy hospitality generously served up during my first two weeks at St Brigid’s.  The community has created spaces of peace and welcome for me as I have been inducted into this wonderful College family.   I am very excited to be here and look forward to listening and learning from staff, parents and students. NAIDOC Week We began the term with the celebration of NAIDOC Week.  The theme of NAIDOC this year was “Stand Up, Get Up, Show Up”.  This theme is a great reminder to all of us of the importance of generously sharing our God given gifts and talents.  We are powerful beyond measure and playing small, serves nobody.  NAIDOC Week is nationally celebrated during the school holidays in Western Australia, so the first week of term is the opportune time to honour our first nations people in promoting justice and reconciliation. The College gathered for a smoking ceremony facilitated by Grace Comeagain, followed by a Welcome to Country by local elder, James Kearing, and then a performance by local dancers, Binar, on Tuesday, 19th July.  The students of St Brigid’s spent the full week engaged in a range of activities developed by our Waalitj Foundation, Deadly Sista Girlz.  There was an abundance of joy around the campus as students had an opportunity to appreciate the traditional and contemporary culture of our Aboriginal brothers and sisters.  Friday morning tea was a banquet of traditional Australian cuisine enjoyed by both staff and students.   Last Tuesday evening, I joined our boarding students with Ms Hepi for dinner.  It was great to see our young women settling back into their “home away from home”.  I was very impressed with the neat and tidy rooms and gave the catering team an excellent rating. I look forward to joining our boarders one night every week as I get to know them and the staff of the boarding houses. Congratulations to our Year 3 – 6 Interschool Cross Country students on participating in the Carnival last Tuesday at McGillivray Oval.  Some of the students enthusiastically came to my office at the end of the day to share their achievements with me. I commend all students who participated in the training leading up to this Carnival, and thank parents and staff of St Brigid’s for their ongoing support. Last night, our Year 11 students joined with the Year 11s from Mazenod College in a Quiz Night in our College Staffroom.  The College was filled with joy as the students engaged in combined teams, answering a broad range of trivia. I commend our Year 10 Drama students who performed 4 short acts for friends and family on Thursday evening. This performance, like many others, has been long awaited due to its postponement during Semester One.  Thank you to all students who assisted in the technical components of this live performance.  It was highly entertaining. Thank you to the staff of St Brigid’s for their ongoing dedication and commitment to our students. Please do not hesitate to give me a call or send me an email if you require support.  I look forward to working with you.   Veronica Parker Principal
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