Meet Our – Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning (Year 7-12), Mrs Marsha Pengilly
This is the first of a series of getting to know our teachers and staff at St Brigid’s College. As a College, there have been some changes to the Academic teaching structure, as well as new faces who have joined the College over the last 12 months. Here’s us getting to know our Deputy Principal, Teaching & Learning (Year 7 to Year 12), Mrs Marsha Pengilly:
Share with us your experience and some of your achievements as an educator.
My teaching career has been quite diverse in location, I began my teaching journey in the public system which grew to a range of Government High schools in the city and in the country, this included a two year stint at Harvey Senior High School where I was also employed as a House Mother at the Agricultural Campus.
I then moved into Catholic schools where I started at Sacred Heart College and then with Emmanuel College before moving to Santa Maria College (SMC) where I taught for 20 years holding numerous roles in my time at there.
Like SMC, St Brigid’s is a Mercy School and I thoroughly enjoy working within this environment. To be able to share the rich history and traditions of Catherine McCauley is a great point of difference. The values of Mercy Education connects to me both professional and personally and I believe provides an excellent foundation for our students.
My years in girls education has developed my expertise in this valued and niche area of study and development. I have developed an extensive knowledge and skill set around ensuring our girls are able to learn and grow to become strong Mercy women of the future who will light the way for others.
What have been the pivotal / milestone moments in your career as a teacher and now as Deputy Principal?
A definite milestone was completing my Master of Education: Leadership and Management, at the end of 2023 which has enabled me to successfully work in the leadership roles I have held.
I particularly enjoyed being the Dean of Students at SMC where I led the students in each of the year groups from Year 7 to 12. This provided a very broad understanding of the academic and pastoral needs of each of the year groups which is essential in my current role.
Another very unique highlight was accompanying SMC students in Years 11 and 12 on an Art Tour of Milan, Florence and London in 2019. Seeing the students experience such amazing art and the impact this had on their learning to enrich their own work and also their understanding of the masters.
This trip further inspired my passion in the Professional Development and Teaching and Learning areas. The growth in academic achievement is limitless when we provide high quality, real world learning opportunities and experiences to both our students and teachers. In my new role at SBC I hope to continue facilitating this for our community.
What are your favorite subjects to teach?
One of my pet subjects is Accounting and Finance. In 2024, we introduced Accounting and Finance to our Year 11 and 12 ATAR subject selection, with a view to this being taught in future years. For students studying A&F, the course work is entirely new as students are generally not exposed to these concepts in lower school. The students I have taught love the challenge of this course and the opportunity to learn something completely new and different. They are also able to see the real-world application of A&F into their lives. I am always excited to hear of previous students who have embarked on careers in the business world and how their initial enjoyment of A&F has sparked their curiosity and progress in this field.
I also really enjoy teaching maths and supporting students to gain more confidence in their abilities. I try to encourage my students to have a growth mindset to maths and challenge them to feel positive about their abilities in this subject area.
How do you envision our students growing both pastorally and academically at SBC?
I am looking forward to seeing the growth of our students academically at SBC. It is a privilege to be a teacher of secondary students and to journey with them as they move through the senior years of their education. It is at this time that you really see the students grow and mature as they find their passion and work out where they intend to head post school. Supporting students as they shape their future goals and work toward achieving them is such a unique opportunity.
What is the biggest point of difference in learning/teaching at SBC?
Our environment provides unique opportunity for our students to learn about our impact on the environment. Being able to walk in our own school grounds and see almost perfect bushland and to be able to study our native flora and fauna on our doorstep provides some amazing real life lessons and great classroom experiences for our students.
The amazing boarding community at SBC and what they provide to our college when they bring their diverse backgrounds and “home” experiences to our community. Means our students learn from and gain an understanding of the world, beyond the hills.
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