From the Deputy Principal
This past week the College Library hosted a very successful Bookfair, under the theme of “Reading Oasis’. There was definitely a buzz as students rushed to grab a bargain of the latest Scholastic products and many compiling lists for consideration by their Grandparents at the annual Grandparent Day. From novels, to picture books, to novelty packs of books and the ever popular stationary collection, there was something for everyone. It was equally great to see some of our Secondary students visiting the fair and is an area we would like to grow in 2022.
Grandparent’s Day was a true celebration of community as students were able to tour their family through the building, playing a collection of ‘old fashioned games’, interviewing them about their life story, entering our newly assembled sensory room, taking time to go down the yellow brick road to read in our Oz inspired reading room. We are fortunate in the space we also hosted an interactive Science display and also a showcase of our robotics programme. We would like to thank our parent helper Sonya McGillivray for assisting us on the day.
WACE exams have come to a close and we congratulate our girls on their efforts and we will now await their results. It has also been fantastic to receive ongoing notification of our students attaining their Certificate IVs, which have complimented their studies. Well done.
Booklists have now been published for 2022 on the College website please refer to the site for all information regarding requirements. Where students will be studying differing courses (e.g. Mathematics and Science in Years 9 and 10) letters will be sent from teams advising of student allocation.
There is a Parent Forum AGM on Wednesday 24th November 2021 at 6pm, for 2022 team. If there are any parents interested in joining our Parent Forum team, please feel free to contact our President Tracy Gall 0411042338 or for more information. Held in the Staffroom, doors will open at 6.00pm and the meeting starts at 6:30pm.
Wishing our students well during these final weeks and we are looking forward to celebrating their achievements upon the completion of their reports at the end of the year.
Janine Walsh
Deputy Principal