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From the Principal

Published 25/02/2021 · Academic

After a COVID-19 postponed start to the new school year, our students and staff hit the ground running. The College has been a hive of activity with a range of events including House Assemblies, Swimming Carnivals, Parent Information Nights, activity days, camps and excursions to name just a few. Despite mandatory mask wearing for the first week back, everyone’s enthusiasm was clearly evident.

Our whole School Assembly, held on Day One, allowed us to welcome new staff and students to the College community. We also announced our 2021 values – Compassion and Hospitality. Through references to the Parable of the Good Samaritan and the works of Catherine McAuley, these values and how we can best live them in our daily interactions with one another, were highlighted. The children all received a small memento to remind them of these values throughout the year and I hope they have discussed its symbolism with you at home.

It was just wonderful to come together at our Opening Mass in our beautiful Heritage Cottage garden and give thanks for a new year. At the conclusion of Mass, we were delighted to announce Year 11 boarder, Madison Hall, as the recipient of the Mercy Education Award. The award is presented annually to a student who demonstrates leadership in the Mercy tradition and who lives the values of Compassion, Justice, Respect, Hospitality, Courage and Service. Madison was presented with her award by Mercy Education Board Director, Mary Retel.

The Cottage setting was also the venue for a delightful afternoon picnic last weekend, hosted by the Parent Forum to welcome families, especially those joining us for the first time.

Year 6 and Year 9 students attended the Caritas Australia Project Compassion Launch 2021 yesterday. Representatives from 35 Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Perth and Bunbury attended on Shrove Tuesday at Corpus Christi College, Bateman.

It was a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mass with the Most Rev. Timothy Costelloe SDB, Archbishop of Perth, and to give thanks for the fundraising and awareness-raising activities that Catholic schools in our Archdiocese undertake in support of Caritas Australia. Students had the opportunity learn about a number of projects and to reflect on our collective ongoing response to enormous issues of poverty and increasing inequality in our world today.

Last week we celebrated Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the liturgical season of Lent. Lent is a time when we are encouraged to think about the mystery of Jesus’ life and death and how we can grow to be more loving by following Jesus’ way. During the season of Lent we reflect upon our lives and turn back to God in preparation for the coming season of Easter. Thank you to Mr Adrian Martino and the College Ministry Leaders for their work in organising a very reverent liturgy for us.

I would like to highlight the work that Catholic School Parents Western Australia (CSPWA) engage in, which extends far beyond supporting P&Fs/Parent Groups; it benefits ALL parents in the Catholic school system. A copy of their Term 1 Newsletter may be found at the following link: here and includes a number of articles that may be of interest to you.

Sadly, as we conclude our week, we say farewell to our College Nurse, Cate Mitchell. I know you will join with me in wishing Cate much happiness and fulfillment in her new position with Diabetes Australia. Thank you, Cate, for your professionalism, support and care of our students over a number of years.

As we approach the first mid-term break this Friday, 26th February, we hope that our girls and boys will have an opportunity to recharge after a hectic, but extremely rewarding first few weeks. Our staff will begin work on updating the College’s Strategic Plan with a Professional Development Day on Friday. Our hope is that the Strategic Plan will articulate a shared vision, mission and values to enable us to work towards common goals. With this in mind, we will also be seeking feedback from both students and parents in the very near future.

I conclude by wishing all families a very happy long weekend which extends from Friday 26th February to Monday 1st March and look forward to welcoming all students back to school on Campus on Tuesday, 2nd March.

God Bless

Carmen Cox

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