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From the Principal

Published 03/09/2021 · Academic

What an exciting few weeks we have just had. Our students have been busy participating in various Performing Arts activities, we held our marvellous Arts Showcase, and last week we celebrated Book Week and our Year 11 Father and Daughter Dinner. Of course, this all happened in-between the many other events occurring at our College. Thank you to the many students and to our staff who always ensure that we provide these opportunities for our students.

The rest of the term promises to be just as busy as students prepare for their First Holy Communion, Year 6 Camp, ACC Athletics Carnival and Mercy Week, to name a few! I know that many plans are underway in celebration of the culmination of Mercy Week. Fundraising for Mercy Works has been the focus for our students this Term, and we are pleased and excited that all proceeds from our Parent Forum Quiz Night will be donated to this charity. Normally I would be encouraging you to purchase a table for the Quiz Night, but it has sold out so that is not possible! However, this is a great indication that our ‘friend building’ focus by the Parent Forum has been well received. Thank you to the Parent Forum for organising this event.

Next week we farewell Mr Stephen Vivier from our ICT HelpDesk team. We wish him all the best in his new career and thank him for the help he has provided us over the years!

I am pleased to announce that for 2022, Mrs Judith Cumpsty will take on the role of Acting Head of Boarding. Mrs Cumpsty is looking forward to working more closely with our Boarding students.

As foreshadowed in my email sent to you on the 31st August, Catholic Education Western Australia has recently launched the 2021 QCE (Quality Catholic Education) Awards. The Awards recognise programs and initiatives in Catholic schools across Western Australia that support our vision for providing Christ-centred, student-focused, engaged learning environments. They also celebrate the remarkable efforts and dedication of Catholic school communities, staff and students across our state.

This year, schools can nominate across the four categories that are informed by the four Pillars of Strategic Directions and Quality Catholic Education – Catholic Identity, Education, Community and Stewardship, and a new heritage category, Faith in the Future. St Brigid’s College has lodged a nomination in the area of Catholic Identity and we encourage you to cast your vote for our submission by following the link:

Voting for the People’s Choice Award will close on Sunday, 12th September, so please get your vote in, and that of any family members, and show your support for the College.

As I write to you, we are preparing for our Dad’s Big Breakfast at which we will have 400 hungry people to feed! We are thrilled that this year we can hold the breakfast as we have done in previous years. We have our army of volunteers ready, and I am sure it will be a full house. We pray that God will bless all fathers and guide them to be good role models. We honour the fathers in our community and pray that God’s blessings are with you, not only on Father’s Day, but always.
God bless,

Carmen Cox

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