From the Principal
As we come to the end of another academic year, I reflect on the wonderful achievements of our students and the hard work of our staff. Since I last wrote to you a few weeks ago, we held examinations for two year groups, several final year group Masses, a variety of social events for the secondary students, our Year 7 Technology days with Mazenod College, swimming lessons for the junior students, several assemblies including final assemblies, the presentation of Responsible Christian Learner Certificates, the collection of food items for SVDP Christmas hampers, Orientation Day for new students, targeted parent sessions for 2022 parents, Year 6 – 9 Activity days, Year 7 Expo Day, Year 8 Science Fair and yes, we did actually teach!
We are blessed to have a committed and dedicated staff who ensure that our students receive not only an excellent standard of education, but many other opportunities to allow them to grow as well rounded, confident young people who understand the importance of being good Christians in their everyday lives.
This year, we celebrated 200 years of Catholic education in Australia and 175 years of Mercy education which commenced in Perth with the establishment of Mercedes College on the arrival Sr Ursula Frayne and her team of Sisters from Ireland. In commemoration of this event, you are welcome to access the commemorative magazine, ‘Celebrating 175 years of Mercy Education in Australia’ available here
Parents will receive a letter, via email, from me this week to ensure that the latest information is available to all our families. The letter also provides major dates for 2022. A copy of the dates is also available for download from our College website:
We have been requested by the Department of Health to share the following information with our school community.
‘Parents/Guardians can visit to book a COVID-19 vaccine appointment for their child if they:
• haven’t yet received a COVID-19 vaccination; or
• were unable to receive their second dose COVID-19 vaccination.
Please note that a second dose Pfizer vaccine should be delivered 3 to 6 weeks after the first dose. For further information on COVID-19 vaccination, visit Roll Up For WA.’
We wish all of our families a wonderful break as we rejoice in the glory of the birth of Christ and celebrate the miracle and blessings of this Holy Season. We pray for peace and joy in the homes of our families, not only for the Christmas Season, but for the coming year and always.
God Bless,
Carmen Cox