Junior School News
What an unusual and delayed start to 2021. It has been fantastic welcoming our St Brigid’s families back and a special welcome to new families.
False start aside, we still had a great beginning. Students settled into their routines very quickly, and the pulse of learning began. Wandering around the school in the morning, I see the early years working on their letters and sounds. Students are learning a new letter sound each day, blending and segmenting words. From Year two to Year six, they are geared and ready to take on Spelling Mastery. Throughout the classrooms, Learning Intention and Success Criteria are visibly seen and given to students. By explicitly providing students with challenging goals, they would engage, manage and plan their learning.
“Research shows goals are important for enhancing performance. It is important to set challenging goals, rather than ‘do your best’ goals relative to the student starting place.” (Hattie,2009)
It is fabulous watching the Kindergarten and Pre -Primary students playing with the freshly painted playground. During recess and lunch, the Year 6’s buddied with Year 1’s to help our little leagues transition to big school. I watched Kindergarten and Pre-primary students during play, and I am amused at how they used their imagination.
Although it has been two weeks into the term, we have already had an array of events. We officially acknowledged our primary leaders and house leader into their roles. We had the Ash Wednesday liturgy and the opening mass. These pray-filled occasions had a soothing and calming effect on us as we celebrated the presence of Christ amongst us. The primary leaders had their first leadership role when they led the first assembly. Year 6 Gold held their assembly, and it was entertaining when these students parodied Disney stories in a pandemic situation. Their talents were evident, and I will be watching out for some future Oscar winners.
Our first ‘Little Ducks” playgroup for our future kindergarten students also took place last week with our well loved Mrs McDermott, our Kindergarten teacher running the programme. Mrs McDermott sang and read stories to the children who also had the opportunity to paint and engage in creative play. It is a holistic programme inspired by Reggio Emilia pedagogy and balanced with building a firmer foundation for reading and writing. If you know of any families interested in this exceptional kindergarten program, please direct them to us.
Many exciting activities are coming our way. One of them is the Positive Parenting Program (Triple P), taking place on Thursday, the 18 of March 2021, at 6:30 p.m. Triple P is the parenting program that helps make raising kids easier. It gives you tips and ideas to help raise happy and confident kids; see more of the behaviours you like and less of the ones you do not, and have better relationships with your family. More information is found on this link: here
I have thoroughly enjoyed my morning visits to classes, and I always look forward to this lovely ritual as it brightens my day to see beautiful smiles.
God Bless.
Anne Tan
Head of Junior School