Junior School News
We had a busy but fulfilling past few weeks. Firstly, the Year 6’s had a wonderful time at their camp. The three days allowed them to work collaboratively and cooperatively with one another. The camp is an eye-opener for many, and it allows further realisation we come from different cultures and beliefs. During team activities, some students were taken aback because they were not with their usual circle of friends. However, this setting gave them life skills to enter the adult world, where we must accommodate and work with different personalities. The camp reinforced the Mercy Values of “Hospitality” and “Compassion” where we welcome everyone into our hearts. This scenario brought us back to the Parable of the Good Samaritan that Mrs Cox shared in the beginning of the year. During the three days of excitement and activities, there was exhaustion and weariness, but there was also love and joy of being in each other’s company, building strong friendships and bonding.
The primary school was privileged to have two young, vibrant student-teachers from the University of Notre Dame, Josh Antulov and Claire James join us this term. As much as they were here to learn from us, we were delighted to learn from these budding teachers too. It was lovely to see Ms James conducting Prayers in the morning, allowing the young cherubs to offer their petitions and thanksgiving. Mr Antulov gave a face lift to the displays boards in the Year 2 area, with clear learning intentions and success criteria next to the students’ work, allowing parents entering the classroom to see exactly what their children were learning. It was an exhibition that displayed the students’ learning journey.
One of the highlights for the term was the Year 1 Gold’s assembly. They talked about the value of respect. These students voiced the importance of being respectful, showing consideration for others and caring for public property.
The Year 4’s celebrated their Sacrament of the Eucharist. We congratulated them as they received the Body and Blood of Christ.
Together, we can certainly achieve great heights. This term, we celebrated several achievements, from improved NAPLAN results to strong recognition at the Catholic School Performing Arts Festival, including receiving the overall shields for Choral Speaking and Sacred Chorale.
On the last day of the term, we celebrated Mercy Day. It was a joyous occasion with the entire school singing “Welcome to God’s House”. We also had our beautiful primary and senior choir singing the hymns.
With such blessings, we are thankful to be in a school that allows students to blossom and express their talents in many ways and grow spirituality.
“Be joyful always, to pray at all times, to be thankful in all circumstances.”
Thessalonians 5:16-18
Have a safe holiday and may Jesus Shine on you Always.
God Bless
Anne Tan
Head of Primary