Junior School News
The end of the year is just around the corner, learning however, continues with enthusiasm and is very visible when you visit classes. The Year 6s are on their journey working towards making a better world. They are using STEM concepts to create innovative and leading-edge products. Watch this space in our following newsletter for updates.
It was lovely to see students from Pre -Primary presenting flowers to our Year 12 graduates last week. They were excited to see their big sisters, and it will be their turn to receive flowers in 2032.
This is an exciting time for our Year 5s, taking over the leadership reins next year. They spent a class period learning about different leadership skills and what makes a good leader. In addition, they had the opportunity to listen to the Australian Electoral Commission speaker and learn about our election system.
Singing is a favourite activity, and on alternate Fridays, we gather in the gym to learn new hymns with Mrs Wade. It is glorious to watch students from Pre Primary right through to Year 6 singing and moving to the melodies. Once again, it is always lovely to join the Kindergarten children in their morning greeting and singing. They always brighten our day.
We certainly have a jam packed semester with students getting ready for the in-term swimming and Grandparent’s Day, and not forgetting our Christmas Carols that will take place on the second last day of the term.
We also had a school tour this week, and if you know of families who would like an academically esteemed and well-balanced education, direct them to us.
Lastly, this is an important message for parents picking up their children from Glen Road. For the safety of the children, vehicles are not encouraged to park along the road during pick-up time. However, if you need to park the car, kindly proceed to the car park within the College. We have an ample amount of parking bays for you.
Have a great last term, and do not forget to slow down and smell the roses.
God Bless
Anne Tan
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