Ministry News
Ministry News
Project Compassion
$1957.00 was the final total raised for Project Compassion in Term 1. This will enable Caritas Australia to support programs that help the poor in Australia and the Oceania region. Funds were collected from the Project Compassion Boxes, Sausage Sizzle and Easter Raffle – well done and thank you to those who supported these events last term.
This term our fundraising efforts will support LifeLink agencies. The LifeLink organisation was established in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Perth. A number of College representatives will be attending the launch of LifeLink Day 2021 for primary and secondary Catholic schools in Perth later this term. Please keep an eye out for events that will occur this term to raise funds for this worthy cause.
Young Mercies for Vinnies
This group will continue to meet this term with the focus of planning a ‘Sleepout for Mercy Works’ next term. All students with a passion for social justice are invited to join this group – please see Notices in SEQTA Learn for further information.
MIA MAD 2021
All Senior School students have started their MIA MAD program for 2021. Students are reminded that all information regarding the program can be found on SEQTA Learn in the course: 2021 Year <Level> Mercy In Action – Making A Difference.
Mother’s Day Mass
We will have the opportunity to thank God and pray for all mothers at our Mother’s Day Mass, which will be celebrated in our College Chapel by Father Michael McMahon OMI on Friday, 7 May at 10.30am – please register if you wish to attend (an invitation was sent to all College families).
Mr Adrian Martino
Head of Faith & Mission
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