Ministry News
Mother’s Day Mass
It was wonderful to have the opportunity to thank God and pray for all mothers at our Mother’s Day Mass, which was celebrated in our College Chapel by Father Michael McMahon OMI on Friday, 7 May at 10.30am.
LifeLink Launch
College representatives from Year 7, 8 & 9 joined Ms Hepi and I for the Archbishop’s LifeLink Launch on Thursday, 20 May at Aranmore Catholic College. The LifeLink organisation was established in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Perth. Further information is available on the LifeLink website: https://lifelink.com.au/
LifeLink – Winter Appeal 2021
A reminder that each family is asked to bring to school, non-perishable cans or goods that will assist ‘The Shopfront’, a LifeLink Agency supporting needy families in the Archdiocese of Perth. We will create a ‘hamper wall’ in the Wandju Room and then donate the goods to ‘The Shopfront’.
LifeLink – Gold Coin Challenge
On Thursday, 24th June, each student is asked to bring a gold-coin donation to contribute to a House Money Chain. Each House will have an opportunity to make a money chain in an allocated area of the Wandju Room (House points to be awarded for the longest chain).
Young Mercies for Vinnies
This group held their first ‘combined’ meeting with the Young Vinnies from Mazenod College to discuss what events they are currently involved with and begin planning for the Young Mercies for Vinnies/Young Vinnies sleep-out next term. All students with a passion for social justice are invited to join this group – please see Notices in SEQTA Learn for further information.
Seeds of Justice
“Seeds of Justice” is a Mercy Education Limited initiative to raise awareness of social justice issues and campaign for the rights of the marginalised, poor and vulnerable in society. Student conferences are held annually in Victoria and Western Australia for students attending Mercy Colleges.
Our first national gathering was held via Google Meet here at the College and attended by students in Year 10 & Year 11 on Friday, 21 May 2021. The theme was: To be as shining lamps – Mercy empowering women.
MIA MAD 2021
All Senior School students have started their MIA MAD program for 2021. Students are reminded that all information regarding the program can be found on SEQTA Learn in the course: 2021 Year <Level> Mercy In Action – Making A Difference.
A number of MIA MAD opportunities have begun at the College, including our involvement with the Red Cross Soup Patrol.
Mr Adrian Martino
Head of Faith & Mission
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