Ministry News
It was wonderful to celebrate Mass together with the secondary students and their grandparents on Friday, 12 November. We thank Fr Bill Ousley OMI for joining us.
We have also celebrated Thanksgiving liturgies/Masses for our Year 6 classes, Year 2 classes and Year 11 students. In the coming weeks we finish the scholastic year with a Year 10 Mass and Kindy to Year 9 final Mass in the College gym (Friday, 3 December).
This term we are collecting goods for the St Vincent de Paul Christmas hampers, ensuring all families in our community have the opportunity to celebrate Christmas even though they may be struggling financially. We thank you all for your generosity. The hampers will be put together by members of Young Mercies for Vinnies from St Brigid’s College and Mazenod Vinnies group next week in the Parish hall.
Mr Adrian Martino
Head of Faith & Mission