Primary News
Term three began with many exciting events. The first week, we celebrated NAIDOC week together with our secondary peers. The following week, we had Edu-Dance taking place from kindergarten to year 6. This was an excellent avenue for students to learn rhythm, movement, listening to instruction and also dancing is a way to provide a healthy body and mind for students.
Our year 1s and 2s started their additional hip-hop dance lessons. According to the report, I heard they were just unbelievable.
Creativity in abundance that year 6 learned to make quirky birds from various materials.
Inter-school Cross Country
In the athletic arena, our amazing boys and girls represented St Brigid’s College in the interschool cross-country. The students trained in the morning as early as 7:00 a.m. These students demonstrated devotion and perseverance in improving their skills. On their return from the competition, we were greeted by students with a complete exhibit of their ribbons and medals. The athletes were excited to recollect what was described as a memorable day.
Pre-Kindy and Pre-Primary
Learning and more learning in the primary area. Pre-kindy students loved playing doctors and nurses at the hospital. The preprimary had a hairdressing salon for those who wanted to get their hair done. There were lots of collaboration and conversation amongst the little cherubs and with the teachers moderating and mediating to further scaffold their learning.
It was marvellous to look at our primary students’ mathematical thinking as they work on the concrete representation to pictorial and then abstract representation in mathematics. Students created a number line in the classroom. This allowed them to understand the sequence of numbers and also used them as a basis to further understand addition and subtraction, and then to measurements.
Some dingoes, koalas and snakes visited kindy and pre-primary. The little leagues took the time to discover these unique Australian creatures.
It was lovely to watch pre-kindy write their names. They displayed fine motor ability and skillfully formed the letters of their names.
Besides all these learning and fun activities, some of our students have been working hard preparing for the Catholic Performing Arts Festival and the DaVinci Decathlon competition.
St Brigid’s College is always buzzing with activities and at the same time prayers and being Christ-centred is part of our daily practice. The Year 3s had their reconciliation reflection day as they prepare for their first Sacrament. This Sacrament allows Jesus to show His love for His children.
A Prayer for our Reconciliation Candidates:
Loving God help us to teach our children that you love us totally and unconditionally.
Help us to encourage our children to grow in love and to learn how to say sorry, knowing that you always forgive.
Give us the courage to pray with our children and to share our faith with them as we journey together.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
It has been a wonderful and significant start to the term, and I am excited about the forthcoming events that will be taking place.
God Bless
Anne Tan
Head of Primary