Secondary School News
We started Term Two off with an ANZAC service held in the Gymnasium thanks to Ms Santarelli and her team for organising it, Year 10 student, Mandy Prince, an Air Force cadet, for reciting the Ode in her Air Force Cadet uniform and our special guest Geoff Irvin, from the RSL sub-branch in Kalamunda who spoke to a very respectful audience about his experience in the Air Force.
It has been pleasing to see the girls wearing their winter uniform. Some have been wearing tights, while the majority have favoured socks. I have to say however, that some of the skirts certainly need to have the hems taken down as they are far too short. I am confident that when your daughters leave home, they are wearing the correct uniform. However, from the time they leave home to the time they arrive at school, some go through a change. This includes adding makeup, extra piercings, and rolling their skirts up to make them appear shorter. Since we are all involved in educating young women, we need to be on the same page, especially when it comes to following the school’s rules. I have had girls ask why they need to follow the rules, and I have explained to them that life is full of rules and the rules at school are the stepping stones to help them ensure everyone has an equal chance at learning and preparing them for the future. Learning to follow school rules early on helps students understand why rules are important well into adulthood. We have started week two off wearing masks, and it is good to see all of the students wearing abiding by this requirement.
As we ended Term One with three-way interviews, it was fantastic seeing the number of parents who were able to attend. If, for some reason, you were not able to attend and you would have liked to have had a chat with your daughter’s teachers, I strongly encourage you to contact them teachers via email. All the staff emails are If you are not sure who a teacher is, have a look at SETQA Engage – Timetable.
The image on Mathematics course 2 means that the students in this class have an assessment on this day. If you have not had the chance to download the SEQTA App, I strongly recommend you do this. It is an excellent tool so you can see exactly how your daughter is going and when she has assessments. Please don’t hesitate in contacting either the College’s Helpdesk or myself for assistance with SEQTA.
Kind regards
Ms Fiona Hepi