Secondary School News
Term 4 started off with the Year 12s sitting their Mock WACE Exams and then attending seminars relevant to their WACE subjects. We then started the final countdown preparing for the girls last few days with events including a shared morning tea for all the staff prepared by the girls, the traditional Boater throwing routine, House Breakfast, little Miss awards with a twist this year and ending it all with their Graduation ceremony. It was truly a wonderful way to farewell the class of 2021.
While the focus was on the Year 12s the rest of the young ladies all settled back into school routines. Which as you are fully aware, is not easy for teenagers who love their sleep-ins. It was great seeing them all wearing their full summer uniform and I have to say; the majority of the girls are now remembering to remove their excess jewellery before coming to school. A huge thank you to you as parents, for reminding them about the college uniform rules.
Since Term 4 is only 8 weeks, I guarantee you that all the girls will all have some sort of homework to do every night. Be it set homework, finishing off work that they did not complete in the classroom, revision for in-class tests, assessments and definitely exam revision for the Year 9-11 girls. If you have found that your daughter is struggling with her homework, then please contact her teacher straight away so they can assist. As you are aware, we do offer free tutoring for the students in Maths, English, Science, your daughter just needs to attend the lunchtime or afterschool clubs for these areas. If you are not sure what days and times the clubs are running, the information can be found below:
October is mental Health month and SchoolTv has published their Happy and Gratitude documents here. SchoolTv have said that happiness is defined as the balance of positive and negative emotions, combined with overall life satisfaction. Researchers have found that gratitude is always strongly associated with greater happiness. However, negative emotions are still important. They have a lot to teach us and alert us when things need to change. Practising gratitude helps people feel more of the positive emotions, enables us to relish good experiences, improve our overall health, deal with adversity and build strong relationship.
Fiona Hepi
Head of Secondary School