
From the Principal
From the Principal
Welcome back to Term 2. We have had a great start to the Term and already the Campus is alive with activity. We welcome back Mrs Amanda Savino and Mrs Sharryn Cunningham from their Term 1 leave. We also welcome the following new staff to our community: Ms Brooke McKnight, Library Technician Mrs Jo Cunningham, Primary Health and Physical Education Ms Patricia…
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From the Deputy Prinicpal
From the Deputy Principal
Welcome back to Term Two and a welcome to all new families who have joined our community. A very busy term as always is ahead. Thank you to all families who have embraced our introduction of SEQTA Engage in Term One; we were all on a learning curve but we are so pleased with the smooth roll out of this platform to staff, parents and students. The positive response has been fantastic. As the year progresses additional features will be able to accessible. At the end of Term One all parents should now be able to access: • The Term One Report 2021 • Semester One and Two Reports 2020 • Your child(ren’s) timetable • Progressive results as they are released for all subject areas – these are as per the published assessment outlines • Teaching Programmes (Term Two will be available by the end of Week 3) • Assessment Outlines We held a very successful Parent Teacher Interview Day on the final day of term; our staff loved meeting families and discussing current and future progress. We also were pleased that many students also attended with their parents, as it is important that they are part of these conversations. Thank you for these conversations and please do not hesitate to make contact with teachers across the term. We encourage all students to make sure that they have read and discussed their Term One Report with the families, and to goal set together. For our Primary and lower Secondary students NAPLAN testing commences in Week Four. Whilst this is an important tool to gain information on a child’s progress and potential (including meeting the literacy and numeracy benchmarks for WACE attainment), it is important to remember that tests like NAPLAN do not assess everything that makes each of students exceptional and unique. It does not measure everything that our students can do; whether they can sing, program a robot, be an amazing footballer or that a student cares for their siblings each day without asking. These are the things which cannot be tested. NAPLAN is a snapshot of one moment in their learning journey. It is important that especially in our younger years and for our Year Three students who will sit the assessment for the first time that we not build it to be more than it is – a tool to help gauge a child’s progress. Our teachers will prepare all students in the lead up to tests and all have already completed their ‘practice test’ and an ‘excursion to the computer labs’. Our students were marvellous! We know they will all give their best, we are proud of them. In Week Four our Year Twelve General students sit their Externally Set Task in all general subjects, we wish them well and know that they will be preparing for these assessment pieces. During Weeks Eight and Nine our Year Ten to Twelve students will be sitting their first examinations for the year. We remind all students that preparation is key; take the support opportunities available to you, provided by teachers in the form of assistance at lunch times and after school, complete revision notes and tasks/sample papers, ask questions, be organised and take time for yourself (self-care is equally important in all examination preparation). During Term Two, our Year Ten students will be beginning the exploration of options available for their senior secondary years and moving towards begin graduands in 2023. There are a variety of sessions planned for them, including attending the Careers Expo 2021 at the Convention Centre and the Subject Selection Evening at the College on the 30th June, 6 pm. Students in Year 10 will also sit placement tests to assist in recommendations for courses of study in Year Eleven (this will occur towards the end of the term). Further information will be distributed to families as the term progresses. Our Library continues to be a hive of activity; if we do have any parents who are available to cover books at any stage please do not hesitate to contact us as we would love your help! I wish everyone a fabulous and blessed term, and I look forward to seeing our children continue to grow. Janine Walsh Deputy Principal
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Secondary School
Secondary School News
We started Term Two off with an ANZAC service held in the Gymnasium thanks to Ms Santarelli and her team for organising it, Year 10 student, Mandy Prince, an Air Force cadet, for reciting the Ode in her Air Force Cadet uniform and our special guest Geoff Irvin, from the RSL sub-branch in Kalamunda who spoke to a very respectful audience about his experience in the Air Force. It has been pleasing to see the girls wearing their winter uniform. Some have been wearing tights, while the majority have favoured socks. I have to say however, that some of the skirts certainly need to have the hems taken down as they are far too short. I am confident that when your daughters leave home, they are wearing the correct uniform. However, from the time they leave home to the time they arrive at school, some go through a change. This includes adding makeup, extra piercings, and rolling their skirts up to make them appear shorter. Since we are all involved in educating young women, we need to be on the same page, especially when it comes to following the school’s rules. I have had girls ask why they need to follow the rules, and I have explained to them that life is full of rules and the rules at school are the stepping stones to help them ensure everyone has an equal chance at learning and preparing them for the future. Learning to follow school rules early on helps students understand why rules are important well into adulthood. We have started week two off wearing masks, and it is good to see all of the students wearing abiding by this requirement. As we ended Term One with three-way interviews, it was fantastic seeing the number of parents who were able to attend. If, for some reason, you were not able to attend and you would have liked to have had a chat with your daughter’s teachers, I strongly encourage you to contact them teachers via email. All the staff emails are If you are not sure who a teacher is, have a look at SETQA Engage – Timetable. The image on Mathematics course 2 means that the students in this class have an assessment on this day. If you have not had the chance to download the SEQTA App, I strongly recommend you do this. It is an excellent tool so you can see exactly how your daughter is going and when she has assessments. Please don’t hesitate in contacting either the College’s Helpdesk or myself for assistance with SEQTA. Kind regards Ms Fiona Hepi
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Junior School
Junior School News
The long weekend with plans to make the most of the beautiful weather came to a screeching halt with a snap COVID lockdown announcement. It was a blessing we did not experience any local transmission of the virus, and we could once again gather to learn and be amongst our friends at school. The first week of the term, we had our ANZAC ceremony led by the Year 3 students on Friday. This was a sombre occasion for us remember those who have served and defended us. It was a touching moment seeing each class lay wreaths they had made. Year 1 students enjoyed a visit from some ravenous caterpillars. The students had the opportunity to witness black striped and green coloured caterpillars munching the leaves. On the tip of the stalk was a jade green, smooth, opulent chrysalis, waiting to be transformed into a butterfly. Students researched and learned they were monarch caterpillars. The beat and rhythm streaming from the Wandhju Room was a telltale sign that Edu-Dance had commenced for the term. Not only were the students dancing hip-hop, but the teachers also joined in as they could not resist moving to the music. Music always lifts the spirit, which was evident from the faces that were radiant with smiles during the dance lessons. Creative play is essential in the early years. Whether they have balloons, spades or a bucket, students use their imagination to create stories in the playground. Play is an essential element in childhood. It is through play we build solid muscles and coordinate our bodies. Play can also be a tool for learning, where students discover and investigate. The college wants to create a nature playground in the Junior Oval area. We will need community support to see the fruition of this project. We welcome parents who can support us with our nature playground. We will need community support to see the fruition of this project. We welcome parents who can support us with our nature playground. We will require resources such as labour, machinery and natural products. If you think you can help us, do not hesitate to contact us at “Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.” Henry Ford We look forward to hearing from you. Best Regards Anne Tan Head of Primary
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Boarding News
Dear Parents Welcome to Term 2 . Our focus this term is on kindness and treating each other with respect. Residential living isn’t easy and it does require much compromise. I hope to see the girls embrace the diversity in our boarding family and aim to create an atmosphere of warmth and homeliness where all girls can thrive and enjoy every aspect of their boarding experience. Despite a three day lock down over the ANZAC Day weekend bringing a quick halt to our boarding recreation programme, our boarders were able to organise and attend a driveway service to commemorate ANZAC Day. The adaptability of the girls under lockdown conditions was absolutely wonderful to see as they resorted to good old fashioned games and activities organised in house by the staff.     I’d like to thank you all for your support over the lockdown period and your patience . A big thank you too to all the staff for their efforts in keeping those girls who stayed in occupied so well. Best wishes Annamaria Cream Head of Boarding
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Ministry News
Ministry News Project Compassion $1957.00 was the final total raised for Project Compassion in Term 1. This will enable Caritas Australia to support programs that help the poor in Australia and the Oceania region. Funds were collected from the Project Compassion Boxes, Sausage Sizzle and Easter Raffle – well done and thank you to those who supported these events last term. This term our fundraising efforts will support LifeLink agencies. The LifeLink organisation was established in 1994 to provide for the ongoing financial and promotional support of agencies established or assisted by the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Perth. A number of College representatives will be attending the launch of LifeLink Day 2021 for primary and secondary Catholic schools in Perth later this term. Please keep an eye out for events that will occur this term to raise funds for this worthy cause. Young Mercies for Vinnies This group will continue to meet this term with the focus of planning a ‘Sleepout for Mercy Works’ next term. All students with a passion for social justice are invited to join this group – please see Notices in SEQTA Learn for further information. MIA MAD 2021 All Senior School students have started their MIA MAD program for 2021. Students are reminded that all information regarding the program can be found on SEQTA Learn in the course: 2021 Year <Level> Mercy In Action – Making A Difference. Mother’s Day Mass We will have the opportunity to thank God and pray for all mothers at our Mother’s Day Mass, which will be celebrated in our College Chapel by Father Michael McMahon OMI on Friday, 7 May at 10.30am – please register if you wish to attend (an invitation was sent to all College families). Mr Adrian Martino Head of Faith & Mission
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From the Principal
From the Principal
As we come to the end of a very short Term, one that has certainly flown by, I look back on the many wonderful and varied experiences that our students have taken part in. I must say that after the first week of wearing masks, life slowly returned to our ‘new normal.’ We enjoyed several Swimming Carnivals, Secondary Athletics Inter-House competitions, many excursions, guest speakers, Year group Liturgies, Open Day, Stations of the Cross, whole school Masses and welcoming picnics. One of the highlights of the Term was our ability to gather together as a whole school to acknowledge the Spirit of Mercy recipients and our 2020 Year 12 High Achievers. We were able to reflect upon the success of the 2020 cohort, and congratulate these students on their achievements. We also congratulated the students who received Spirit of Mercy Awards in recognition of their commitment to the Mercy values in their school life. SEQTA was made available to students and parents this Term and we are pleased at the relatively smooth transition to this new platform. Of course, behind the scenes there is much preparation and adjustment being made, but Reports were published to schedule and our Parent Teacher meetings have been booked. Thank you to the many families who are to meet with their children’s teachers and receive 1:1 feedback. As we progress through the year and become more familiar with SEQTA, it is our intention to make more features available to our community. From Term 2, parents will be able to access their Finance information and their child’s archived documents through SEQTA Engage. Our staff and members of the College’s Advisory Council are currently discussing and planning for the College’s next Strategic Plan. On Wednesday, 5th May, we will invite parents to one of two meetings in order to provide feedback on our vision for the College for the next five years. We hope that many of you will take this opportunity to participate. The Parent Forum will be held at 9.00a.m. on that day and an opportunity to share in the Strategic Planning will take place during this meeting. Furthermore, for those who prefer, a Strategic Planning session for parents will be held on the same day at 6.30p.m. in the College Staff Room. During this Term we welcomed three new staff members to our College, Mrs Jessica Coolican as College Nurse, Mr Paul Davies who joins our Property and Works team, and Ms Sasha Wells as Aboriginal Liaison worker. We said farewell to Mrs Cate Mitchell, Mr Ali Shah, Ms Kara Moss and Ms Nicole Kirry as they move on to other positions. We thank them for their time and commitment to our students. We also wish Mrs Jenn McDougall and Mrs Tiffany Morrissy our best wishes as they commence their leave. School recommences for students on Tuesday, 20th April. Students will return in their winter uniform. The change for 2021 is that female students may choose to wear socks, rather than tights with their winter uniform, on a normal school day. Obviously, when the weather becomes much colder, tights will be the more practical option for the girls. For special occasions, such as College photos, or when representing the College, they will still need to wear College tights. We ask that you spend some time over the holidays ensuring that your child’s winter uniform is in good order. As we approach Easter Sunday, the day we celebrate the Risen Lord, may we remember Jesus’ sacrifice and give thanks for what he has brought to our world. We wish you a blessed and Holy Easter and pray that God may shower you with blessings, love and peace. Our Archbishop, Timothy Costelloe, has requested that we share his Easter message with you. Please access it here. God bless, Carmen Cox Principal
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